Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hold On

Hold on, 
because one day you will be the greatest. 
and no amount of sad days and and sorry people can stop you.
because you are loved,
remember that.
and know you are seen
and you will continue to be seen
and you will continue to be loved.
and forever your name will echo through a legacy of loved ones.
don't stop trying. 
don't you ever stop trying
 because I am counting on you.
and when you feel like giving up
remember that
someone needs you.
I need you.
and when the days get darker,
and darker,
and darker.
and you feel you are at your lowest point,
remember why you stayed strong for so long
and never doubt why
 and if you can't do it for yourself,
do it for her,
for him
for them,
for me,
do it for me.
and when you feel like letting go
just know that I will be there
Holding on 
Never letting go.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

How to Keep Moving Forward

How to Keep Moving Forward:

Don't look back on the silly things,
because that's all they are,

Be kind to those who are wrong,
because one day they will get it right,
and you will be there when they do.

Constantly look for good in others.
because no matter who they are,
there is good.
and if you look for it 
and you truly see it,
It will show.

Surround yourself with those you love,
because you will gain precious memories
and those will only stay.

Be content with yourself.
Be proud of who you are. 
because after all
you will be with yourself for the rest of your life
so you might as well like who you are.

If you happen to skip a few of these
that's okay.
Because at least you're trying
and others will notice 
and take it to heart.

Because in the future,

You will laugh about those silly things,

and when you are wrong,
you will have plenty of people
to celebrate the time you get it right.
and those people will only see good in you

and there will be those who need you
and you will be there
to surround them,
to love them.
and those moments will last forever.

and lastly in doing these
you will learn:

to love yourself.
to love life.
to move forward.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Angel Bones

A long time ago
I told myself that I was an angel.
Because I had these bones
That would come out of my back
and that's where my wings would've been.
so I believed it.
and I prayed to God 
 Saying "thank you for giving me this"
But as time went by,
My body grew out of its wings
and my brain knew better
Than to call myself an angel
Just because I could pop my shoulder blades out.
I started down the boardwalk to reality
and from there,
 I went on knowing I was a human.
Nothing more.
but one day
On a normal day
I did something out of the ordinary.
I stuck the bones out of my back,
just to remember what it felt like
to be an angel.
it was like greeting an old friend.
and I realized
 that even though I am not an angel,
that does not mean that
I cannot be a
And in that moment
I hoped for my own Godsend.
Because I needed someone,
to believe I was special

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bricks and Carpet

Watching the trees in the park from my bedroom window, I hear the house softly sleeping; creaking along with the bustling cars and timid songbirds. In a city where the size is feeble, but the evenings are brilliant. Quite similar to that of a beach evening ending. But what do I know about the city that has taken up Friends, Neighbors, Lovers.

I am happier here spread out with my eyes closed. I feel I might celebrate the things that make me happier, but should I wake I fear I may no longer be happy.
So I cast my mind back to yesterdays thoughts, because I am much safer there than in the present. I remember how I did my best to be polite on numerous occasions, but I suppose I could have tried harder.

As the sun peaks through the window, I wonder about my approaching life. Will I be laying here
5 years
10 years
20 years down the line?
I'll be here staring at the same trees puzzled by love and life. It will be interesting to see if anyone remembers the words I said that I didn't get quite right. And I suppose the world wont be springing out of its bed just to accommodate me.

Who knows, maybe I'll end up owning the city.
or sleeping under the trees at the park.
And would the dogs keep me awake
or would I keep them asleep.
or perhaps I would have the sense to move back home.

or maybe I shall build a home,
out of bricks, carpet, love and all those other things needed for a home.

but I've strayed off the subject,
I'm slowly stretching to be rid of the mornings ache and dull senses. And I'm happy because I wont be taking anything too seriously.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

3:24 AM

3:24 am is for the lonely.
For the boy that feels nothing,
And for the boy that feels everything.
It's for the people who feel sad inside,
For reasons unknown.

It is not for those who have it all.
Those who have a knowledge of where they are from,
and where they are going.

It is not for the wealthy or famous,
and it is definitely not for the remembered

It is for the forgotten.
For the fleeting thoughts that finally mean something.
For reminiscing the sweetest sentiments.
For the newly discovered love,
For the feeling you can't shake,
And for those who can't get it right.

and lastly,
it is for Charlie Laurent.

Who wants to be remembered.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Everywhere Yet Nowhere

In class, We were asked the question
"Is love real" 
I saw one girl immediately shake her head.
She's had some rough spots I imagine. 
but at least shes got an answer for herself.

I had to think.

I am not qualified to write about love, 
but I can at least try.

Love is when I told her that 
there were other things we needed to find
before we found each other. 
Love is everywhere yet nowhere,
and we get lost in it too easily.
and if we can't find ourselves,
how can we find love.
Continually we search for something, 
something better than what we have, 
not noticing  that  maybe
what we need, and
what we want are
Failing to see that 
what we have
is searching as well.
searching for someone,
Someone who can actually see them.
but we are blind.
our love is blind too.
and we crave this idea of discovering someone who will love us,
because we can't love ourselves..

I cannot deny that love exists, neither can I prove it.
However I can say that I have felt something
that people would liken unto love.
and some would claim otherwise,
But whatever it is,
the things my heart feel are real,
and they should be treated as such.
And the things my heart has to say,
are too big to be kept inside the small corners of my mouth.
And the things my heart knows,
are too magnificent to be put down in words.
My heart knows love.
It may not know 
how to, or
what to, or 
who to love.
But it knows love.

and even still,
For the longest time,
I've told myself:

love is a myth.

but then I remind myself

some myths are real,

and that is what some loves are.


Thursday, February 5, 2015


caught hold of your flood lung,
harbour your ‘someone',
prevent me.

you swoon in your lace run,
brooding, a quilt tongue,
pining me.

clot, cold, and bleed

pull over your midriff,
labour your inches,
widow me.

all crimson and hinges,
tarot and itches,
corner me.

shot, sold and bleed

Cower all your cinders, fake us
bower in your shivers, shake us"

-Novo Amor

Monday, February 2, 2015

My Heart Doesn't Run on Batteries

I am not a robot
I know because I have the capability to love,
and not just to be loved.

I am Human
I know because my heart doesn't run on batteries,
but it still need time to recharge.

I am not a robot,
I know because wires bend,
and although my heart is wired,
It can only break.

but it can mend.