Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ugly Things that have Changed the World

Ugly things have more to offer
Than an outward appearance.
Crying is ugly
But tears from compassion have changed the world
Sweat is ugly
But the hard work of men and women has changed the world
Feet are ugly
But the steps we take toward helping others have changed the world.
Dirty fingernails are ugly
But the music they play that moves the heart has changed the world.
Scars are ugly
But the stories of courage being passed on have changed the world
Wrinkles are ugly
But the wrinkles around kind eyes and smiling lips have changed the world

These have changed the world.

And they will continue to change the world


  1. "But tears from compassion have changed the world" yesssssss

  2. I liked the dirty fingernails one.

    Cool concept for a blog post.
