Saturday, April 25, 2015


My mother told me
It takes time for someone to fall in love
But whenever I think that it's been a while,
It's like trying to catch a train that's already left
For who knows how long
So I've gotten used to walking
But I avoid the cracks in the sidewalk because
The straight ones look like you
And the crooked ones look like me
And somewhere along the lines of the road we met
And I kept going, but when I looked over,
You took a hard left
As I just stumbled around the corner
Wondering what I did.
My steps slowed down so did my heart
Because my heart was alone and it didn't have anything to catch up to anymore
And when I asked why
You said something poetic
And it must have been about love because I didn't understand it
See my heart just wanted the chance to say I love you
But it couldn't find the words
Because they were hidden in the holes of your flaws
And if I were to connect the freckles on your face
They would say "I Love"
And mine would only spell out
because like unfinished sentences,
we complete each other

and I can't erase that.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ugly Things that have Changed the World

Ugly things have more to offer
Than an outward appearance.
Crying is ugly
But tears from compassion have changed the world
Sweat is ugly
But the hard work of men and women has changed the world
Feet are ugly
But the steps we take toward helping others have changed the world.
Dirty fingernails are ugly
But the music they play that moves the heart has changed the world.
Scars are ugly
But the stories of courage being passed on have changed the world
Wrinkles are ugly
But the wrinkles around kind eyes and smiling lips have changed the world

These have changed the world.

And they will continue to change the world

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Remember that.

Everybody falls in love with the wrong people,


                                             that's alright.

                                                          Because someday you might get it right.


                                 just remember that.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Someone asked me

Someone asked me
If you could change anything about yourself
What would it be?
I said I didn't know
Because I didn't realize I was supposed
To have something I wanted to change
I didn't realize that I supposed to be unhappy
With the things I'm made up of.
But I told them
I'd change the way I sound
Because maybe then people would listen.

Someone asked me
If you could have a super power
What would it be
I laughed and said
I don't need a super power
To be invisible
Because it
Isn't something you practice at
It isn't something you get good at
If I could have a super power
I would want to be able to see
Those people
And not just look at them.

Someone asked me
If you could make a change
What would it be
I said
I would change priority
It's seems that we are objectifying important people
And personifying useless objects.
And I don't know if it's our generation
Or the one that raised us
But I know that something about that isn't right.
And it's gotta stop.


Make it stop.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Because shoes,
Like humans
Look pretty
And sometimes they don't fit
Sometimes the tongue is
Bigger than we can help
And all together we can look
A little worn
A little torn
Shoes got soles
And we got souls 
And sometimes
It's not the shoes that's worn out
But the souls
Of the people who walk in them